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We help you expand your inventory capacity to store...
...Your Seasonal Products
...Your Raw Materials
and Finished Goods
... Your Idle Equipment
Your bottom line depends on streamlined operations and supply chain management. Avoid the long-term commitment of leasing a warehouse or the capital expenditure of building. As a partner in your operations, MWD Logistics will work with you to understand your business processes.
We will help you achieve the short or long-term inventory management and warehousing distribution solutions to meet your storage needs.
Connect with us to discuss your third party logistics needs, whether storing, shipping or selling.
We’ll review the details of your product, how much space you need, and the optimal location for distribution.
Receive a plan customized to your specifications with a simple, flexible, all-inclusive pricing proposal.
Grow your bottom line with a third-party logistics provider that helps you maximize your space while minimizing your cost.
MWD Logistics Sales & Marketing
419-544-5409 or chris.laux@mwdlogistics.com
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